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  [coba share notes di facebook ane] The First Salty Air Make Him Lost.

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 [coba share notes di facebook ane] The First Salty Air Make Him Lost. Empty
PostSubyek: [coba share notes di facebook ane] The First Salty Air Make Him Lost.    [coba share notes di facebook ane] The First Salty Air Make Him Lost. EmptyMon 26 Dec 2011 - 3:59

he lives between us. he respect the ultimate freedom and the sky.
do not scared.
do not judge.
do not think.
jump. walk. sleep. fight.
feel the hungger. see people. kiss the aspalth.

read and write.

maybe watch, hear, and learn.

do not stare. not to point a fingger.

he lives in a confuseness and the restlessness.
he knows what he tries to seek.
a first salty air when he realize when to get lost.
his freeman's living on the road says when to a journey.
works is hard and even harder but just for a time.
money is not to keep but to share. not a donation.
just for adventure and a morning cofee.
some other place taste like a sweet alkohol. gambble is hated.
picture will bring jealousy, so have not!

he says one night camp after the crater is bitter, but adiction is not to heal.
he faces the aliens after 3 meters.
sometimes the alien is just swimming arround when you dont know where you are.
the aliens is called puffer and always swim to the darkest cave.
when a bubbles flies between the water.

the sunset is wet by the one star of beer.
sitting the sun, sand, sea and surfer with rasta.
after a lobster taste not even better than a tofu or sometimes the wild boar, a full stomach start to digest the vodka then staring the starry night sky and the couples and their caviar.
a bed is 8 $ with a bonus: dust, rum, sperm and the hiv, sometimes its just another slime.
orgasm is not needed, a partner maybe on a journey, but not lovers.
you can change it every times.

and then when you meet budha on another journey, i'll quit from my job to start another walk to experience.

anyway, it's just another crater, ice dice and vodka.
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